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"Prayer is the light of the soul, giving us true knowledge of God." Saint John Chrysostom An abbreviated online Menalogion, Triodion, and Pentacostarion for fixed and movable Feasts in the Byzantine Liturgical year for web or mobile devices. Years through 2033. Designed also to introduce, rekindle, or support the True Faith. All images are public domain or copyright kalamation which can be used with appropriate reference. Contact us for errors, questions, comments, or even contributions. Note about wiki links: As is common in today's culture, some wiki articles err on the side of minimizing the history of particular saints. Attributing facts to legend or myth, in a pseudo-scientific way or phony intellectualism. In the setting of the sacramental life however, and God's extra-ordinary reach, these stories are not myth or legend. They are in fact more real than life itself as always is the case when God intervenes in the affairs of humans. The entire iCalendar(.ics) calendar file is available here for download. This is an exportable calendar file that can be read by most calendar software and includes thousands of entries including Byzantine prayers and quotes by saints in the Byzantine rite. eastfeasts.ics2