How to Help Korea (updated) or Institutional Divine Mercy Part 1

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Saint John Paul II consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of the Theotokos decades ago, as instructed by Our Lady of Fatima. The consecration included the Orthodox Bishops. As instructed. The Soviet Union turned away from communism, ending the cold war. So what gives in the revival of the threat of nuclear war between the tiny North Korea and the former leader of the free world?

The warnings of Fatima included the spread of atheism through out the whole world. With the historical rise of communism, this occurred. These errors, like demons, found a homeĀ  throughout the whole world. They established themselves in people and in institutions. They are around us and in us.

The defeat of communism had the moral side of history, but also made many institutions and governments very wealthy. So established, entities and institutions can solidify these errors through payment schemes, where money is circulated in a closed loop, effectively living in the past, in a perpetual sense of entitlement. They live off the revival of conflict, effectively blocking out Mercy.

To combat this, the second message of Fatima is that of personal conversion to sanctity. To paraphrase the Theotokos message, one could say it is the likes of Francisco and Jacinta Marto that will guide history in their conversion. Or one could say that the evil powers of this world, including the main stream media, have your personal sin as their greatest asset.

This can be defeated with the sacrament of Holy Repentence. While many in the Church pay little respect to her teachings and sacraments, and many outside the Church believe God is so impotent as to be incapable of creating a formal Church, believing in personal religion or Bible-only philosophies instead, the fact remains that Jesus Christ established an institution. This institution is immune even to the personal errors of her administrators. Confession establishes the Kingdom of God on earth, begun with the first confession after the crucifixion, namely that of Peter. The sacraments recognize the institution God created as well as sanctifing us, making God’s kingdom manifest. Thy Kingdom Come. This sacrament also imports an immunity into the recipient. Mercy sanctifies the soul and protects from hell, freeing captive souls. But Sacramental Mercy also has a ripple effect in time and in culture.

Maybe God has already decided nuclear war will never happen again because of the prayers of these souls:

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now in Heaven. Or maybe we can help by praying with them or in their eternal memory, in our conversion.


Part 2/3 of this series is here.